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IFLP participants are a balanced mix of:






who demonstrate:


  1. The drive to progress themselves and the business

  2. A passion for improving the built environment sector

  3. A focus on creativity, strategy and implementation 

  4. A belief that systematic & collaborative innovation benefits all


  • Construction clients

  • Manufacturers

  • Principal contractors

  • Consultants

  • Specialists

  • Others (utilities, charities etc)

Series 7 (Current Series)

Launched September 2024

Series 6 (Current Series)

Launched January 2024

To view our participants from Series 1-5


– Emma Camm, Laboratory Manager + WaterAid Representative at Portsmouth Water


“IFLP for me has been an inspirational and transformational experience. I have learnt so much, not just in terms of new tools to help me be a great leader, but about myself. It has thrown me into several different industries I knew nothing about, and from that developed a great network of people who give great insight by seeing things from a different perspective.


The format of the workshops and range of different speakers selected has been superb – each bringing something unique and interesting to the table, and having access to one-to-one coaching with Sarah makes IFLP a truly unique and amazing programme, which could not happen without the amazing support from Sarah and Derek, and I am very fortunate to have been selected to be part of the 1st IFLP family!”


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